Team Coaching – The New Approach to Staff Development
Team Coaching – The New Approach to Staff Development
What is Team Coaching?
Team coaching is a new and effective way to build high-performing teams, though utilising coaching approaches and techniques in a group setting.
This approach can be used to improve individual and team performance, develop ownership, motivation and alignment with your organisation’s strategy and outcomes. It is also an excellent way to develop and embed skills as a team development programme.
How it Works
The coach works with an identified group for sessions lasting up to 2 hours. The frequency of the sessions is set by you, but usually takes place 4-6 weekly.
Coaching is an outcomes-based approach, leading to practical, tangible results. The coach works in an informal way with the group to set and work through strategies to achieve the outcomes you choose – e.g. Setting actions and responsibilities to implement the organisational business plan.
Sessions consist of a combination of coaching approaches and tools, such as incisive questioning and planning, but can also incorporate an element of training, such as passing on information to develop coaching and leadership skills.
Actions and practical strategies are agreed both collectively and individually at the end of each session.
Team coaching can also be used as a tool to develop areas such as Leadership, Time Management and Productivity, or Stress Management and Personal Resilience.
Who is it for?
Team Coaching is suitable for all organisational types, including:
- SME’s
- Large companies
- Schools
- Not-for-profit & Charitable sector
- Public Sector
And is suitable for groups working at any level, including:
- Leadership Teams
- Project Teams
- Staff Teams with mixed responsibility
- Peer Groups
- NQT’s
- Multi-agency and Co-Production Working Groups
The Benefits
Team Coaching provides excellent added-value:
- Participants receive coaching, both as a team and individuals.
- They are able to learn practical coaching skills and tools to coach themselves and others.
- It provides opportunity to embed learning, practice skills and implement actions between sessions.
- This is a bespoke approach, tailored to meeting your staff and your organisation’s needs.
- It can be used as a cost-effective follow-up session to embed 1 or ½ day training.
- This approach promotes individual and team responsibility, accountability and motivation.
- It provides excellent value for money, with costs as low as £20 per person per session.
- Staff only need to be released for a 2 hour session every few weeks, minimising the impact on your business activities.
- Sessions can be carried out at flexible times and venues.
If you’d like to know more about Team or Group Coaching and how this can benefit your business, school or organisation, please contact us at BrightBird for an informal, no-obligation chat.
Email: [email protected] Tel: 07714 855757
New Result-Focused Time Management Training Workshop – Book Now!
New Result-Focused Time Management Training Workshop – Book Now!
Are You:
- Constantly fire-fighting?
- Overwhelmed with work?
- Working too many hours?
- Feeling unproductive?
- Missing targets and deadlines?
- Feeling like there aren’t enough hours in a day?
Then try our interactive, practical, Result-Focused Time Management Workshop.
You will learn how to:
- Utilise techniques and tools pioneered by leading coaches and business experts, delivered to fit individual working styles.
- Set, plan and evaluate both personal and work goals for maximum productivity.
- Build your own personalised Time Management System to maximise your personal and professional time.
- Use goal-setting and coaching skills and techniques to equip you with the knowledge and resilience to stay on track.
- Stay productive whilst working in the technological age.
- Avoid burnout and overwhelm.
For more information and to book, please visit:
This workshop is run in partnership with Bright Bird Coaching & Training and WYCAS (West Yorkshire Community Accounting Services)
The secret to happiness…
The secret to happiness…
Hi Everyone. Apparently it’s International Day of Happiness today!
Personally, I believe we should be thinking about this for more than 1 day a year! But more seriously (if that’s not a contradiction!), the coaching legend that is Tony Robbins, says the way to true fulfilment is to contribute to others. The problem is many of us do this too well and find that we’re last in a very long queue…. and that’s certainly not the route to happiness!
Here’s a question I ask people attending my work-life balance training courses… ‘If your happiness was as important as everyone else’s – what would you do differently in your life?’ Try it out – then make that change!
Have a happy day/week/month/year everyone!
#InternationalDayofHappiness #Coaching #WorkLifeBalance
Top Tips for a better Work-Life Balance
Top Tips for a better Work-Life Balance
Is this you? Do you feel stuck in that daily grind of wanting to do a good job and also be a great husband/wife/partner/parent, etc.? That’s not even counting trying to find some real ME time in your life?
You’re not alone…
- Work-related stress costs Britain 10.4 million working days per year
- 73-75% of teachers say workload is having a serious effect on their mental health
- Only 12% of teachers say they have a good work-life balance
- More than 40% of employees are neglecting other aspects of their life because of work, which may increase their vulnerability to mental health problems
- (Source: Mental Health Foundation & The Guardian)
The bad news is that there’s no quick fix to this problem – but the GOOD NEWS is that there are some simple changes you can make to take back control and minimise the negative effects of the demands of work…
1. Prioritise and deal with the things that will REALLY make a difference…
There will always be too many tasks to accomplish, so ask yourself, ‘What will happen if I DON’T do this?’ And concentrate on the things that are essential, but above all, will make a positive difference.
2. Set some goals…
By setting goals you’ll know what you’re aiming for in both your personal and work life. These should be your priority, so aim to plan other tasks around them.
3. Ask…’Is this my responsibility?’
We care about our work and want to do a good job, but often end up doing more than we should. If time (and energy) is at a premium, then question whether this REALLY is your responsibility – and if it’s not, then give it back!
4. Prioritise YOURSELF!
We so often end up putting the needs of others before us – whether it’s wanting to help out work colleagues, or being the perfect parent. But no-one’s going to thank you when you’re on the floor, exhausted. So remember to plan in some ME time – remember, you’re just as important as everyone else in this world…
5. Get a planner…
If you don’t plan in the nice stuff it’s never going to happen. So start a planning system, whether this is an online app, or a good old-fashioned diary. Plan in the important things for your working day, outside appointments – but don’t forget to plan in your leisure time too!
6. Use it!
How often do we start off with good intentions, but then everything’s back as it was in a couple of weeks? The key is to make your plans manageable and set out a routine to embed good habits. Soon, planning and managing your time will be ‘what you do’ and whilst it will never solve all of the pressures of life, you’ll start to gain more and more control.
If you would like to learn more about how we can help you and your staff, team or school/business/organisation become more productive and effective, call us for a no-obligation chat on 07714 855757
Why you should fill your planner... when there are not enough hours in a day...
Why you should fill your planner... when there are not enough hours in a day...
Seems a bit perverse doesn’t it? You’re already wondering how you can go without sleep in order to get your work done – never mind jobs for home…. and as for a social life…? Ha!
Yet as a coach, working with people on improving productivity and work life balance, I often see people with diaries with practically nothing in them, just the odd meeting and dentist appointment. Yet I know they are working way too many hours to be good for them.
One of the secrets to successfully managing your work and life, is to be PURPOSEFULLY productive. If you leave a space, someone else will fill it for you…. usually with what THEY want!
So instead, plan in your week’s work, breaking your days into blocks and deciding what you’re going to do in that time – e.g. writing a business proposal, or marketing.
The next step is to do the same for your personal life, be that time with the kids, going to the gym, or socialising. If it’s on paper it’s more likely to happen!
Try it this week and see what happens!
If you’d like more info on how we can support you to be more productive in your work and everyday life, please get in touch on 07714 855757 or email [email protected]
Coaching Packages and Offers for Charities and Not-for-profit Organisations
Coaching Packages and Offers for Charities and Not-for-profit Organisations
Are you a leader of a charity or Not-for-profit organisation?
Are you:
- Under pressure?
- Feeling the financial squeeze?
- Lacking a clear focus or direction?
- Having too much to do with too little time to do it in?
- Feeling isolated?
- Feeling like you’ve hit a brick wall?
Then we can help!
We offer Leadership and Executive coaching for Charities and Not-for-profit organisations. With extensive experience and knowledge at a senior leadership level in this sector, we can help you:
- Increase personal effectiveness and achieve organisational outcomes
- Develop and implement organisational strategies and plans to achieve charitable and business objectives
- Manage your work-life balance
- Develop your role as leader
- Obtain a ‘safe space’ to discuss ideas and issues
We realise that many charities and not-for-profit organisations are under financial pressure at this time, but we and our customers believe our coaching is a valuable investment to securing a more stable future for your organisation.
We offer several packages including a monthly payment option to help you spread the cost.
We are also able to offer discounts to not-for-profit organisations and charities, depending on size and income. Please contact us for a no-obligation chat about our packages and discounts and how we can help you spread the cost. We’re coaches, not sales-people, so promise not to do the hard sell – that’s really not our style!
Check out our full range of coaching packages and prices by downloading our brochure.
To book or to discuss how we can help you, call us on 07714 855757, or email: [email protected]
Bright Bird Coaching & Training Launch!
Bright Bird Coaching & Training Launch!
Hi everyone! Here is the promised BIG NEWS regarding my business!
Yes, Karen Amos Coaching is now called Bright Bird Coaching and Training.
Whilst the name has changed, we’ll still be providing the same positive and result-focused support, training and coaching. I’m focused on ‘Action beats Perfection’ this year, so please bear with me whilst I implement all the new changes. I’ll be changing my Facebook page name later this week to Bright Bird Coaching & Training and watch out for a shiny new logo coming soon, courtesy of the lovely Liz Hall Designs! (This one is just temporary until then…)
So thanks for all your support so far… and here’s looking forward to a fabulous 2017!
Please check out our other newsletter items to help you get the best out of 2017!
Forget Resolutions… Start making REVOLUTIONS!
Forget Resolutions... Start making REVOLUTIONS!
It might seem a strange thing for a coach to say forget about resolutions, but for years now, I’ve called my yearly goals REVOLUTIONS… and here’s why….
Firstly, if it’s not going to make much of a positive impact for you then why bother? Why not seize the opportunity to do something REALLY worthwhile for yourself?
Secondly, it’s all too easy to fall into the negative language trap. For example, ‘giving up’ smoking, or ‘losing’ weight. The key to success is to actually set out what you DO want, then put the steps in place to achieve it.
So for example, instead of ‘losing’ weight, you could choose to get fit – and the way you would measure your success could be by being able to run for 2 miles by June.
So keep it positive and watch out for more tips for successful goals this week.