Changing Mindsets to Workload and Wellbeing…
by Karen Amos
As a coach, I never ascribe to the ‘one size fits all’ approach to professional development. But this can cause a problem when it comes to staff training. Wellbeing and Time Management training is a classic example. Every person in the room will have their own challenges and their own reasons for that challenge. Short of engaging a legion of 1-to-1 coaches (or whatever the collective noun for coaches is!), how can you possibly give everyone what they need?
We’ve solved this problem with our coaching approach to wellbeing and time management. By using a coaching approach, teams obtain the tools and resources to coach themselves and change mindsets.
So how does this work?
Here’s an example:
We work on the basic facts of working life. To be frank, they’re not exactly fluffy-bunny and hearts and roses. Here’s one:
There will always be too much to do on any given day/week/term/year…
OK, that sounds a bit depressing, but the fact is, this is exactly the stuff that most people know, but pretend isn’t so. This is the equivalent of sticking our fingers in our ears and loudly singing ‘la la la’ in the hope it will all go away.
With a coaching approach however, we face the issue. Coaching encourages people to face the reality of their situation, which then brings an inevitable question…
So now what…?
And this is where again a coaching approach comes in. By using open questions and other tools, people can work out their options and a solution that suits them as individuals.
Here’s an exercise you can try…
One approach is to work out which bits on your list are your sole responsibility and where you might be taking responsibility for other people and their stuff. Simply listing this on a piece of paper can aid thinking and conversations and help you and your team members gain clarity. This means you’re clear on who’s work is who’s and can plan exactly who is going to do what.
Best of all, a coaching approach always has a commitment to action running through it. Without that, teams inevitably indulge in a moan-fest and change is just wishful thinking. This also helps line managers to have better quality conversations with their teams afterwards, giving you much more impact for your investment of time, or in the case of training, money.
That’s why all our training at BrightBird is based on a coaching-based approach. This gives much more longevity and value for money, by equipping teams with a toolkit they can put into practice straight away and will be applicable to their individual needs.
Check out the information below for more details and costs of how we can help you and your teams.
If you’d like to develop Wellbeing, People Management or Difficult Conversations skills for yourself or your team, click on the link for your sector below, to check out our latest training offers.
If you’ve any questions, or would like to discuss alternatives, do get in touch for an informal chat. EMAIL US, or book in an informal chat using the button below. We’ll find out about the support you need and provide you with a no-obligation quote.
Karen Amos is an executive coach and Director and Founder of BrightBird Coaching & Training. She supports business owners, managers and education leaders to get the best out of themselves and their teams. She brings a down-to-earth approach to improving working lives through better leadership, communication and working relationships.
Tel: 07714 855757 or email: [email protected][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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