Manage Stress & Build Personal Resilience

A practical workshop for managers and supervisors

Check out my latest training workshop in partnership with Voluntary Action Leeds.

Course outline:

Stress is frequently seen as a fact of modern life, affecting personal and professional productivity and well-being. The voluntary sector is no exception in the current political and economic climate, with 79% of staff saying stress is a fact of life in their work.

Frequent, unpaid working hours, coupled with a lack of job security can result in high staff turnover, lack of productivity and in some cases, mental health and wellbeing problems.

We offer a practical and interactive course to identify and overcome the causes and effects of stress.

Our training will allow you to develop coaching-based approaches that can be used both in the workplace and personally, allowing you to enhance your own wellbeing and that of your staff and volunteers, to build a more positive and productive team.

Venue: Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL)

This course will help you to:

  • Understand the physiological and psychological causes of stress and how to manage these.
  • Set out personal strategies to be proactive in dealing with your own stress and to support others.
  • Identify the importance of personal values to gain greater self-awareness and build resilience.
  • Utilise practical coaching techniques to maximise personal and professional control.
  • Understand the impact of ‘rules’ and how to manage the effect of these both personally and at work.
  • Develop practical approaches and strategies to support yourself, staff teams and volunteers.

Suitable for:

Any managers or supervisors who wish to manage their own stress and support staff teams and volunteers to build personal resilience.

Date: 14th June 2017 – 9.30am – 4pm

To Book:

Visit VAL’s training page at: or phone 0113 297 7920