The Power of Positive Disruption is Yours...

By Karen Amos

I just thought I’d share a few thoughts following Social Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber’s interesting and stimulating 2018 annual conference. The theme was ‘Positive Disruption‘.

It was a great opportunity as a coach to build resources to help shape thinking, change mindsets and encourage positive, creative future change.

Here are just a few quick points I picked up:

  • To be Positive Disruptors, we need to be good leaders of people.
  • Positive Disruption often starts with just one person, who speaks up that something isn’t working and who wants to do something different about it.
  • It’s about being ambitious and not always going for the ‘low hanging fruit’.
  • Don’t make assumptions – ask questions – start conversations – collaborate – connect.
  • Change behaviour by changing viewpoints and mindsets – create a ‘new normal’.
  • Don’t jump to finding solutions before you’ve worked out what you’re trying to solve.
  • Look outside your current industry or situation for patterns, similar issues and solutions that you can apply to your problem.
  • Be passionate about what you do and believe there’s a better way when you encounter problems and difficulties.

Disruption is an oft-used term at the moment, but it was clear to me that we all have the power to make change if we care enough.

Thanks to Kathryn Sowerby, Shaun Doran, Sarah Armstrong, Joe Micheli, Richard MacCowan and Elliott Turnbull for sharing their thoughts and ideas.


Karen Amos is the owner of BrightBird Coaching & Training and is a qualified Executive Coach and Professional Development Trainer.